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If we want to talk about the Overview of TXP we need to understand the insigts of this term.


The Team Experience Program will drive us to uderstand the principles of the AIESEC Experience. Our main goal is to deliver the best Experience for every AIESEC Member, involving each one of them in the Culture of our organization trough the Information Management and the delivery of our value proposition, our Leadership Development Model (LDM), Taking in consideration measuring this experience trough Team Minimums, Organizational Development within the LC.


TXP is the main responsible of the Recruitment, Selection, Allocation, Induction, Membership Exchanges and productivity. Is the one tracking the LDM in the Local Committees and is in charge of tracking and delivering the General Education and auditing the Functional Education in the areas.

The TXP Leader is the one that manages the Leadership Opportunities in the LC, sush as Excecutive board applications, Team Leaders or any other external opportunity that can be applicable in each member case.


Here you'll find the main resources for the different processes we're going to be running, please click on each button for you to find them.

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